A strong, structured wine, austere, that suggesting an idea of courage and redemption. The 13 blades represent the 13 swords of the 13 knigts of the Challenge of Barletta, the historical episode that awakened the pride of the italian roots, that took place on February 13th of the year 1503. 13 soldiers, gathered from all over the Italian boot, fought against 13 French soldiers and they were victorious. This is the strength of 13 blades.


A white wine that embodies the sense of a past time. It Urges aromas and flavors of ancient times, of a fertile territory, between the ancient Aveldium river and the Aufidus (Ofanto) where the sea breezes and the waters always have favored the growth of special vineyards of Canelli Muscat.


A wine which holds a landscape in its color. Streaks of red that follow each other in the sky and then fade in the indefinite pink of the sea at sunset. You'd watching it for hours, from what was once the refuge of fishermen, from the trebuchet, the view gets lost on the horizon, and it is a generous spectacle that nature grants to the hard work of our farmers and our fishermen. Really speechless.


It is a wine which is inspired by strength and virility. A persistent very structured wine, which recalls the name of one of the Knights of the Challenge of Barletta: Giovanni Capoccio. Less known than Ettore Fieramosca, but not less. Massimo D'Azeglio in his novel defines him as skilled with a sword no less than the Orazi and of noble origins and heart, so much so that, even though unhorsed, he did not escape the fighting, becoming the true advocate of the victory of the Italian honor over the French. It is a wine that, like the knight of fortune, goes to the point: satisfies and wins.


Do not be fooled by the mild and feminine color. This wine is a traitor. It is a dewy of the eyes with pink and yellowish shades. But I repeat, do not be fooled! Black grapefruit, skill in the workmanship has created this excellent white table wine. It is a nectar that is born black and ends in white, in a game of ambiguity between what is and what appears. I wanted to dedicate it to Claudio Grajano d'Asti, said Grajan. The only soldier who in the Disfida di Barletta, while Piedmontese, decides to sit alongside the French, and when apostrophated by Ettore Fieramosca to be a traitor, he responds sincerely and poisonously that a good soldier of venture has the homeland where he has bread. And he was a good soldier. Certain things, though true, are not said to be sober.