In the heart of the Apulian countryside, not far from the place where it is said that the greek hero Diomedes, which ended the war of Troy, delimited its fields with the mythical city of stones and planted vines to remember the lives of his deeds, there is the cellar of Agricola San Ruggiero. Here, right in town Petraro between Barletta and Andria, across two rivers, the great Ofanto and the ancient Aveldium gushing from the slopes of Castel del Monte, founded one of the oldest vines of Uva di Troia in its variety of so-called " Marina "or" Barlettana ". Expert hands planted it about 55 years ago and the current owner, Ruggiero Tupputi, radiologist with a passion for quality wine production, renews today his love for this noble indigenous variety, in the tradition which includes a wine cellar of his family in Barletta already present in the early 1800s.